My inner Family

All life in the universe is energy in different wavelengths, and so are we.

Humans are energy beings who have chosen to have emotional, mental and spiritual experiences and embody them.

Every movement of our lives can manifest either through the "I-SELF" or "Soul-SELF".

The ego level is characterised by paradigms such as fear, survival, victimhood and control. A fatalistic attitude such as "I have no choice, that's just the way life is"..".." is often evident. The ego level is subject to the laws of the physical, i.e. sensually perceptible world. It is our story.

The other level is our soul-SELF, from which our creative power flows the more we embody it.
It is characterised by trust, joy, happiness, abundance and peace. It harbours our potential and our soul plan, which we want to unfold in this life as a human being.
Our potential, our possibilities, are connected to our heart, the seat of our soul.

We are on the path from the "head to the heart", from the judgement of the dual world to the acceptance of the heart!

In balance, we sing the song of life again and invite freedom, peace and joy into our lives.